Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Word Filled Wednesday

What are you taking delight in today?  Your life, family, material possessions, status, or the Lord?  His Word tells us if we delight in Him, then we will have the desires of our hearts.  Not our wants, but the desires that He places in our hearts as we place our focus on Him alone.

Joining up with Word Filled Wednesday.  Photo courtesy of my Mother-in-Law, Decima.  Check out her website here!


Unknown said...

I am delighting in the Lord. Everything else will fade away, but my God remains the same forever.

Beth in NC said...

I love that! I love delighting in Him.

Happy WFW!

Ken said...

Thank you Allison, it is easy to set our eyes on our possessions and delight in them and miss Him and what He is doing. What a wonderful thing it is to delight in Him.

Anonymous said...

Hi Allison - Lovely, an excellent reminder to focus on the One who knows us better than we know ourselves.
God bless

Phather Phil Malmstrom said...

Amen Allison! Great photo and verse to remind us to always keep our eyes and hearts fixed on our Heavenly Father!

Have a Blessed Day!

Angel said...

This verse speaks a truth I needed to hear today. Reminds me that God is the source of my joy and contentment. Blessings!

And, btw, I found you through WFW and have become the newest follower of your blog. Feel free to visit me any time.