Tuesday, July 26, 2011

She Speaks or Does She?

She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.  Proverbs 31:26

Whew!  What a weekend I had at She Speaks.  It was exhausting and my brain feels as if it will explode.  I found out two things about myself:  1) I am not now, nor will I ever be a speaker and 2) I will not, nor anytime soon will I be writing a book.  I found out I need a platform, tagline, brand, social media savvy, 'fresh' ideas, etc.  So much to process!  I left Charlotte Sunday feeling overwhelmed and lacking in my ability to write for Him.  After thinking about what was taught, I realize that it is not about me!  My ability is not dependent on what I can do, but what He can do through me.

There was a breakout session taught by Whitney Capps (who has to be one of the funniest speakers I've ever heard) on Spiritual Warfare.  If I learned nothing else at She Speaks, I met Jesus at Whitney's talk.  Satan is out to get those who are sold out and surrendered to do the work He has called them to.  Case in point, this is the first time I've turned on my computer since Friday.  The little whisper in my ear tells me "No big deal, no one reads what you have to say anyway.  They won't even miss you."  I am thankful I was prepared by the talk I heard this weekend to head Satan off before he can even get a word in edge-wise.

To top things off, when I checked the mail upon my arrival home, there was a Spiritual Warfare for Women book in my mailbox.  What can you say to that?  God, that's what!  He knew what I'd face when I got home and He wanted to show me He was on the job.  I've got a lot to think about when it comes to blogging, writing, etc. and I'm sure you'll be hearing more about it soon.  Until then, I'm off to check in on my bloggy buddies...


Jenifer Metzger said...

Praise God it is not about us. If it were about me, I would never have begun the blogging journey. It is all about Him and all for Him.

Unknown said...

God KNEW and He was PREPARED. I love that! It's so important that we keep our eyes fixed on Him. Satan wants to keep us defeated, but Jesus is our Victory!

Anonymous said...

Hi Allison - I love that you say "my ability is not dependent on me but on what God can do through me" Excellent. Don't you just love those moments - like when you found that email about spiritual warfare - when you know God cares SO MUCH He went ahead of you to prepare your way?
God bless Allison

Heidi said...

I felt very much like you did after She Speaks last year. It's so overwhelming all that you have to do to. I left knowing without a doubt that God was not leading me to write a book... at least not now. Satan can easily take our overwhelming feelings and twist them against us, but God is so good to keep us fixed on Him! Looking forward to hearing more...

Phather Phil Malmstrom said...

Well first of Allison, Satan's dead wrong (as always)... I read what you write and am inspired by it regularly. :-)

Your statement "My ability is not dependent on what I can do, but what He can do through me." says it all. You open your heart and mind to God's working through you, and there isn't anything you can't accomplish.

Have a Blessed Day!

Jen said...

Found you through The Scenic Route. Loved to see more women who got to attend the She Speaks Conference. What a great segment on Spiritual Warfare. Wish I could have been there. Your newest follower from http://richfaithrising.blogspot.com/
~ jen