'Call to me and I will answer you. I will tell you great and mighty things which you do not know.' Jeremiah 33:3

Have you ever had an answered prayer just drop into your lap? Or your mailbox, in my case? I must say that I have not, until today. A few weeks ago, my pastor approached me about doing a Women's Bible Study at our church. My first thought was no, not me. Someone else would be better suited for that than me. Then I remembered that I lead a small group for the local women's fellowship in our area, so why couldn't I lead a study for the ladies at my own church?
Actually, I can't. In my own strength, I can do absolutely nothing. Ah, but in His strength, I can do anything. So I emailed my pastor yesterday and told him that I'd be glad to do a study. I gave him the stipulation that it had to be on Sunday nights (because we have our kid's programs then and FREE childcare) and it needed to be a 7 week study...I am not starting out with Beth Moore :) With these stipulations, I was still trying to get out of doing a study. Did I mention that I'd have to be the one to purchase the study material?
Well, wouldn't you know, when I got the mail this evening there was a nice brown package addressed to yours truly. I first thought it was my next book for review from Bethany Publishers. Then I noticed the return address was from Canada. The only person I know there is Grace Fox, who's study we've been doing on Monday nights. I open the package and there it was- a copy of the seven week DVD study as well as a study guide for Grace's
Moving from Fear to Freedom. Hello! If that's not an answer to prayer, I don't know what is!
I guess if you don't want Him to answer, don't pray about something. I could say this was chance and choose to ignore it, but I think I'll take it as the answer it appears to be! I want to walk in obedience to my Father at all times and in every way.