Monday, March 14, 2011

Marvelous Monday: Birthday Tribute II

Yes, we are celebrating another birthday in the Morrison household today!  Four years ago, we welcomed our precious Samuel Taylor Morrison into this world.  We had no idea how he would change our lives for the better.  We prayed for a son and God answered us...maybe not in the way we would've chosen, but in the way He had planned for us.
I can never begin to tell you in words what this child has meant to us.  He has taught me patience, compassion, and brought out the 'fighter' mama in me.  For those of you who don't know, Sam has Cerebral Palsy.  Every day is a struggle for him to be a 'normal' four year old boy.  But we know that God has special plans for him and He will sustain us for the journey He has called us to.


I'm blogging over at Devotional Christian today as well as Women's Life Fellowship so hop over and visit!


Heidi said...

Happy Birthday Sam! Enjoy celebrating your sweet little guy today :)

Jenifer Metzger said...

Happy birthday Sam!

Phather Phil Malmstrom said...

Happy Birthday Sam!!

Have a Blessed Day!!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!