Where is the place that you go to feel safe? As a child, anywhere my daddy would be was my safe place. I was afraid of the dark, but I knew if I went to sleep while my daddy was still awake he would be able to keep the bad guys away and I could sleep in peace. I can remember some nights when I would lay down with my Daddy until my Mom came to bed. How safe I felt, how peaceful, and how protected. Now, as an adult, it really isn't appropriate for my to find my rest with my Daddy. Or is it?
Depends on which Daddy you're referring to. My Father, my Abba Daddy, is where I can find my peace and rest now. He is who I run to when I am afraid or I need a Protector. My Abba Father is the one who's feet I long to sit at, lay my head down, and rest. He also longs for me to come to Him. He wants to bear my burdens and hold me up with His righteous hands. He wants me to gain my strength from Him.

I challenge you to cry out to God like Jehoshaphat did in 2 Chronicles. Then crawl up to Daddy's feet, lay your head down, and rest...
'And Allison was at peace, for her God had given her rest on every side.'