Friday, August 12, 2011

5 Minute Friday

'I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.' Psalm 139:14
Linking up today with the Gypsy Mama on the topic of Beauty...


Do you think you're beautiful?  Most of you, like me, would probably say no.  You don't think you're pretty enough, smart enough, thin enough...all of the focus is on the outward you.  I think I'm not a good enough mama, not neat enough, not organized, so how can someone think I'm beautiful?  I'm a mess everywhere you look at me.  I don't dress to a 'T', my clothes aren't all that stylish.  I spend my time running around after little boys and wearing scrubs while I take care of other peoples family members.

But then I begin to realize it's these things that make me beautiful to the only One that matters.  No, not my hubby, friends, or any other human, but my Daddy who sees me as I really am-Beautiful.  Because I am His child, He only sees beauty when He looks at me.  He sees my heart for Him, my desire to serve Him in all that I do.  My beauty also radiates in my children.  The boy we adopted from a third world country.  The one He choose for us.  The other one with the crooked walk, the uncertain future, our joy.

Him inside me makes beautiful.



Jenny said...

Allison, I'm visiting from thegypsymama's 5 minute friday. What a beautiful post; and totally agree that beauty radiates through our children. Thank God for them, right?

Jenifer Metzger said...

Love this post. We are all beautiful to the One who created us. He loves us, He cherishes us and calls us beautiful.

We always criticize ourselves for the outward, but all that matters is the inward. Our hearts, our character, our integrity.

Unknown said...

Beautiful post, Allison. Our beauty comes from within. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Allison - lovely! If we could only see the inside in others first and in ourselves as Christ see them, we would be so much more confident in Him.
God bless

BARBIE said...

I found your blog through 5 Minute Friday! I sing in our House of Prayer and help to teach our Children's Equipping. And I hold down a full-time job with 4 kids! I am so thankful for a God who sees me and everything that I do as beautiful. Have a blessed day!