Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thankful Thursday...a Psalm of Ascents

'I will lift up my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip, He who whatches over you will not sleep.  He who watches over Isreal with neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord watches over you, the Lord is your shade at your right hand. The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
The Lord will keep you from all harm-He will watch over your life.  The Lord will watch over your comings and goings both now and forevermore.'            Psalm 121

This is one of my favorite Psalms, I even committed it to memory earlier this year.  I get a little twisted up in my recall due to the numerous times the word 'watches' is used.  As I was repeating it this morning, I was struck with the desire to know what this word 'watches' means.  I did a parallel translation of the Psalm with several different versions and here are some of the other words that are used:  keepeth (keeps), preserver (preserves), protector (protects), guardian (guards).
These words present a glorious picture of what our Lord will do for us as His children.  He will preserve our lives,  protect us from all harm, guard our lives, and He will never sleep.  We will never be with our Keeper, even while we sleep.  If this isn't enough to make you grateful, then you need to get your meter checked out!


Continuing to count one thousand gifts...
#131  Aldi grocery stores
#132  Acting when I feel God's gentle nudge
#133  Changing leaves and seasons
#134  For the hubby cleaning the thingy that feeds water into my washing machine
#135  Napping boys
#136  Flu shot clinics for the kiddos that are ran smoothly (and with sweet nurses)
#137  Heat (even if it costs an arm, leg, and torso)
#138  Steady work for the hubby#139  Fall camping trips
#140  Fluffer-nutter's


Unknown said...

God is always with me, always watching over me. That is enough to make be grateful. :) Love your list, especially #131 & #133. Many blessings, Allison!

Jenifer Metzger said...

Great list Allison!

Eileen said...

Allison, I love this Psalm. When my son was born this was the Psalm I dedicated to him!

Phather Phil Malmstrom said...

I love that Psalm as well Allison, and you've assembled another wonderful list of Blessings this week!

Have a Blessed Day!!

Anonymous said...

God's blessings to you!