Friday, October 21, 2011

5 Minute Friday: BEYOND

Linking up today with Gypsy Mama for 5 minute Friday, a time where you write for 5 minutes with no editing or rewriting.  Today's topic is:  BEYOND.


Beyond this earthly life lies the unknown canvas of eternity.  We are all created for this eternity, of which there are two choices:  heaven or hell.  That's it, no second chances or re-do's...what is beyond here was set before time ever was.  Are you preparing for what is coming beyond?

He has given us breath for one reason:  to glorify Him.  We are not here for any other reason.  Not for our family, friends, success, material gain...just for Him.  He desires a relationship with us beyond any earthly attachment we could have.  Am I going above and beyond to cultivate a relationship with Him?

This life I've been given has been designed for me to go beyond myself and my comfort zone to love others with the love of Christ.  Getting uncomfortable for the sake of the gospel should be a given.  After all, the early church fathers did this without a second thought and they saw Jesus.  How much more so will we be blessed who believe (and act) who haven't seen?  Am I reaching beyond myself to love those around me?


Now it's your turn.  Pull up a chair and your keyboard and get to typing.  The rules are simple:
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.

2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Most importantly: leave a comment for the person who linked up before you – encouraging them in their writing!
Today's picture is courtesy of my good friend Michael Charping.  He's a college student who has an eye for the beauty of God's creation.  Check him out at Charphotograpy.


Anonymous said...

True words beautifully spoken/written. When we understand the big picture (Glorifying Him) we can focus on what is really important. Thanks for sharing your heart...


Anonymous said...

hi neighbor...just lovely and challenging... "we are not here for any other reason" quickly I can forget...
Thanks for the reminder...
Blessings as you go beyond..

Jenifer Metzger said...

"This life I've been given has been designed for me to go beyond myself and my comfort zone to love others with the love of Christ." I love that!!

Unknown said...

I want to go beyond myself, beyond my comfort zone to love those around me. Great encouragement, Allison!

dayebydaye said...

Beyond myself- oh, how I need Jesus! In myself, I am so inadequate. Thank you, Allison!!!

HopeUnbroken said...

good, convicting words. amen!

Eileen said...

Truth! Thanks, Allison.

Heidi said...

"He has given us breath for one reason: to glorify Him." So true Allison... how easily we get caught up thinking it's something else. Great reminder!