They teach us:
To be active and always busy, to cooperate with others, to follow the leader, to do work to the maximum of our capacity ( Ants can lift more than their weight) to save for the lean period.
They are capable of identifying sweet and bitter. There is a test to verify pure honey. If you put a drop of honey on the floor and if the honey is pure and good, no ant will come nearer to that because honey belongs to the bitter group honey is sugar inverter. They foretell the weather especially rainy season.Who knew? Those pesky little creatures that we'd rather step on than bother with actually have quite a purpose. They made it into the Bible, after all. I like to think the main purpose of the ant is God's way of showing us how to work. Even when we seem to have no purpose, we should work for others as if we were working for Him. According to Proverbs, the ant doesn't even have a boss to tell it what to do--he just does what is instinctive without question. What if each of His children worked with this kind of ethic? We could be a force of good for the Kingdom. Something to think about next time you get ready to squish one of these hard workers...now I'm off to find my honey...
Great post Allison! The ant is such a hard worker. What if we all worked for the Kingdom that way?!
Ants are as fascinating to me as spiders. They work so hard and accomplish so much. Goodness, somedays I would settle for half that much energy!
Love this! "What if each of His children worked with this kind of ethic? We could be a force of good for the Kingdom." Great post!
Ants really are fascinating creatures, and you're right, we could certainly learn some things from them in serving God's Kingdom.
Have a Blessed Day!
Hi Allison. I found your blog from Lisa's and I think your post on ants is great. I believe nothing gets in to the bible for no reason. Hope you don't mind but I'll be following your blog.
God bless
Hello Alison,
Gosh we have Fire Ants here in Australia, I once got bitten on the foot and it swelled keeping me off work for three days.. so painful. They eat the vegitation and are harmful to pets. Horrible. Glad you don't have them.
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