Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pass the Salt Please!

'But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.'  Genesis 19:26

Bless her heart.  Don't you know Lot's poor wife never expected to be turned into a food preservative when she peeked back over her shoulder at the life she was leaving behind.  Do you wonder if you'd have looked back?  I do.  I think the temptation to take one more look may have overtaken my good sense and I could've been seasoning someones food too! 

What could've been so important that she risked her life? Comfort.  Sodom had become comfortable for her.  The city was a disgrace in the Lord's eyes and unmentionable things were going on in the midst of it, but this place had become her home.  She was happy.  She felt safe in the madness.  But God called her out of her comfort zone in order to spare her life.  She looked back because I don't think she was ready to trust God's plan for her life.

Sound familiar?  We don't want to surrender our lives to Him completely so we'll hold on to one, tiny aspect of it ourselves.  He doesn't really care how I spend my money so I'll continue to manage that part without Him.  Boom--pass me the salt please!  We have to be willing to totally surrender ALL of it to Him.  All He asked of Lot's wife was to walk, looking forward, into the new life He had prepared for her.  She didn't obey and look what happened to her. I don't think He'd really turn me into salt, but He could if He wanted to.  I, for one, am not willing to put Him to the test.


Unknown said...

He calls us out of our comfort zones to spare our lives, or to change our lives. We have to trust that He has a better way. I don't want to put Him to the test either. No looking back!

Connecting to the soul said...

This is a good reminder as I go through the new bible study forgetting my past and focusing on my future.

Phather Phil Malmstrom said...

Great lesson Allison... Always look forward to what God's doing with our lives next, not looking back as to what we did before we let Him in!

Have a Blessed Day!

todrawneargod said...

Amen! Thanks for this post! It's time to come out from our comfort zone and surrender...