Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday Musings...

Have you ever had a mommy-moment when you wanted to go all Chuck Norris on someone else's kid?  When you want to grab them up and shake some sense in them? 
Be honest....sure you have.  It's the mama bear instinct in all of us to protect our cubs from harm, whether physical or verbal. 
I had one of those moments this weekend.  I don't even think it was a true scenario, but one made up in an over-tired mind.  Sweet Sam told me on the way home from church that 2 people in his class made fun of him.  <gasp>
This is our Sam who has Cerebral Palsy.  He fights everyday for a sense of normalcy he will never have this side of heaven.  How dare some 'normal' kid pick on my baby!!
After having the thoughts of how many ways can I hurt this child go through my mind, I ask him what they said.  He responds with, "Well, Kid A rubs my head and calls me Sam the Man."  OK-I think that's cute.  This kid see's Sam is different and is reaching out in a way they understand.  But "Kid B don't understand why I walk so crooked."  STOP MY HEART
What do you say to that?  It's unfair, I'm sorry, I'd cut my legs off if it would help yours, God made you special just the way you are, it stinks, but we're making the best of it...
I'm not sure where this came from...I don't think Kid B has said anything to Sam on purpose.  Maybe they asked the teacher or Sam himself why he walks the way he does.  Kids are curious.  When they see something they don't understand they usually ask-most of the time not in the best way!
Our school is very supportive of Sam in so many ways.  The kids are great, helpful, encouraging...this gives me hope for Sam as he grows up in a 'normal' world.
It's times like this I have to remind myself God is bigger than our circumstances.  He IS.  He could heal Sam if He wanted to.  He can also leave Sam just as He is in order to bring glory to Himself.  It's not my place to figure out His plan.  My job is to walk by faith the journey He has set before us... and that's what we'll do, one crooked step at a time.

It has taken 5 years, but Sam can do the playground
"all by myself"

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012

5 Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday

The rules are simple:
1.  Write for 5 minutes flat, no editing, no scripting, just writing.
2.  Link up with the Gypsy Mama.
3.  Make sure you visit the post before and after you and leave an encouraging comment.

Today's prompt is race...Ready, set


Race, race hurry-go, go!  All the time.  Spinning in circles. 
Going nowhere, but everywhere at the same time.
Turn around, look back, look forward.  Race, race-hurry. 
Quicker, better, faster...farther, stretching, reaching....tired.
Slow down, look around, look up and down.  Rest awhile, hold His hand, let it all go...
Deeper, wider, stronger, longer is what you find
 when you stop the racing to enjoy His stillness.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Into the Beautiful


Stepping Into the Beautiful today, this is what's on my mind.  The backs in the picture above are two of the loves of my life.  The one is big, strong, steady and sure.  The other is small, bent, somewhat broken, unsure...
There are times in each of our lives when we need to be carried along by someone else.  It may be a time of sickness, heartbreak, or just plain need.  We all need someone by our side to reach out a hand and pick us up, carry us along for awhile, until we catch our breath...steady ourselves.
That is how it goes around here...Daddy always takes the time, reaches out his hand, and carries our sweet Sam whenever he gets tired and weary.
Just like my Daddy in heaven does for me.  He holds out His hand, begs me to grab hold, and rest for awhile...

Linking up with...
The Scenic Route

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunday Scripture

Photo courtesy of:  Decima's Delights Photography

Friday, October 5, 2012

5 Minute Friday

It's time for another 5 minute's the rules:

Five Minute Friday1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..

Today's topic is Welcome...


"Welcome to our home" said this Mama never.  I am not gifted with hospitality.  If there is a gathering to be had, I'm willing to travel to you-no matter how far away you live.  I confess I have the comparison disease.  I see pictures all over the net, TV, and some I've seen in-person of neat, cozy, creative dwellings. 
You won't find that at our house.  You'll find dog hair in your dinner.  You can't step two feet without stepping on a Matchbox car.  You have to move books out of the chair before you can sit down.  My floors don't shine, even when I mop them.  There are fingerprints on my door.  My laundry room has clothes in it!
"Welcome to our home" is something I can say if I'm willing to move my pride out of the way.  We live in our house, we love here.  You can put your feet on the furniture and you can come in without taking your shoes off.  That's just how we roll, if you can deal, then Welcome...


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Are you thriving?

The link-up I planned to join today asked posters to blog about an area in their life where they are thriving...I don't have one-stagnating, maybe?!  It's not in the kitchen, in frugality, family,, kinda smacks ya right in the face!
Surely there is an area of my life I can say is thriving, surely!  In order to discover said area, I looked up the definition of the word thrive:
1. To make steady progress; prosper.
2. To grow vigorously; flourish
After looking at the definiton, the area of my life where I am thriving is in my relationship with Christ.  I am studying the Word and praying more than ever.  I am making steady progress in my relationship with Him.  The outflow of this relationship with Him will make other aspects of my life flourish as well.  There comes a point when you get so full of Him it can't help but overflow into everyday life.
I'm not there yet, but I am taking steps daily to grow in Him.  I pray every area of my life will begin to thrive as I seek a deeper, more meaningful relationship with my Savior.
Linking up with...

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Into the Beautiful...Unknown

This is a picture of our journey into the beautiful of hope and expectation. We stepped jumped out of the boat and into the world of adoption without a second thought.

This is the blessing we are honored to have everyday because we took the plunge into the unknown...

We had no idea what the adoption process would involve or how much the waiting would consume our every thought.  At times the outcome of this miracle was uncertain.  In the end, He was gracious and rewarded our perseverance. 
I remember like it was yesterday, the raw emotion of it and I vowed to never go there again...I've been reminded here lately you don't tell God what you'll never do.  He may call you out on it...and call you back into the beautiful unknown again.

Linking up today with...
The Scenic Route

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sunday Scripture

Take time out today to soak in the beauty of the created world around you...He made it just for us!  I took this picture a few weeks ago while I was sitting on the front porch.  The sky took my breath away...

Friday, September 28, 2012

5 Minute Friday

What can you do in 5 minutes?  Empty the dishwasher or put away the clean clothes that have been sitting on top of the dryer for a week?  Or you can sit down and write!!
Head over to the Gypsy Mama and check out all of the'll be blessed.  If you want to do one of your own, the rules are simple:
Five Minute Friday1.  Write for 5 minutes flat: no thinking, spell-checking, or editing required (don't worry, we won't judge you).
2.  Link your post to 5 Minute Friday for others to enjoy.
3.  You MUST visit the poster before/after you and leave an encouraging comment.

That's's topic is GRASP- Ready, set....


There are a lot of things in this world which are out of my grasp.  Wealth, fame, and a perfectly clean house just to name a few.  I try to work myself into a frenzy to just grasp ahold of a piece of the American Dream.  The result:  ulcers and a bunch of clutter in the house I've tried to keep perfectly clean.

Then I realize, the only thing in this life worth my time and effort is the act of reaching up to grasp the hand of the One who gave His life for me.  At the end of this life, my grasp to His hand is all that really matters.  If I'm not holding onto Him, hands clenched tightly, I have wasted the life He paid such a dear price to save.

   Lift up your head, dear one  
   Grasp tightly to My hand.
   When the day is finally done,
   I'll lead you into the Promised Land.

Friday, September 21, 2012

5 Minute Friday...

Five un-edited, un-scripted minutes of writing on a proposed topic.  Rules are simple:

Five Minute Friday1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..

Just click on the button to join in on this week's topic:  Wide....


How wide.  How vast.  How unimaginable.  Those are the words that come to mind when I think of the Father's love for me.  Boundless.  Unending.  Unchanging.

By His grace I have been set free.  From guilt.  Condemnation.  Death.  How wide does One's love have to be to encompass all these things?  Unfathomable...

Through this wide and crazy love He covers me with, I am driven to show attempt to show Him to others.  This feeling is contagious.  It must be shared. 

I am loved beyond measure.  I am busting at the seams to give it away.  Oh, the deep, deep love of my Father...


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Believing God for my Promised Land

"For the scriptures tell us, "Abraham believed God, and God him as righteous because of his faith."  Romans 4:3 NLT

I went into labor 6 weeks and 4 days early with our third child.  Not only was I terrified, I also had a little green man pay me a visit in my hospital room.  You know the one off of the Flinstones?  Gazoo?  Yes, he paid me a visit-we won't mention the laundry hamper that turned into a talking horse.

The little green man came quietly, walked around my room, but didn't say a word.  I could see him plain as day, he was real to me.  Yes, now I realize he was a hallucination and my little visitor left me as soon as they turned off the Mag Sulfate dripping into my I.V.  But I can still see Gazoo just as clear today as I did two years ago.

That, my friends, is the kind of belief  I desire to have towards my God.  Only, unlike Gazoo, God is real.  He isn't make believe.  I can't see him, but He's there.  Just as Abraham believed God's promise he would have more children than grains of sand, I want to believe He can take me into a Promised Land here on this earth. 

So, exactly what does my Promised Land look like?  I know it is no comparison to my heavenly dwelling, but I am sure He desires it to be a place of beauty.   A place of contentment, peace, serving, and allowing Him to fully live through me.  I can enter into this land when I resolve to get out of His way and submit to His will on a daily basis.  I have to believe the promises He has made to me.  In order to do that, I must go to His Word and seek those promises.  I must commit to learn, remember, and then rest in them.

What does your Promised Land on earth look like?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Seek and Find

 "For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened."  Luke 11:10
Courtesy of Decima's Delights Photography
On the still, quiet hillside sits an old rugged cross.  In the hurry of life, most pass by without noticing it.  Just as they do the Man who died on such a cross for our sin.  Won't you stop, look around, and see what is in your midst?  He can be found most anywhere.  In a baby's smile, a kind word spoken, or a deed performed when no one else is looking.

He is always there, always waiting for us to take the time to seek, ask, and find Him.  We are the one's who are too busy with life to notice Him. 

Where will you look today?  If you take the time to seek Him out, He'll reward you with a glimpse of Himself...

Linking up with:

  The Scenic Route

Monday, September 17, 2012


After a long hiatus, I have finally been inspired to pick up my pen (or keyboard in this case) and write again .  For a season, I had such diligence and passion for writing, then the well ran dry.  One never knows why these things happen.  It was not for lack of anything to say.  Nor was it a lack of blessing on His part.  It was Satan.  That booger!!  I allowed him to get a foothold in my mind and he took control.

Well, NO more.  As of Saturday, September 15 I vowed to regain the land the enemy stole from me.  Satan has no power over me.  I am a daughter of the King and I claim the inheritance that is my right.  Get thee behind me Satan!

Now that's out of the way...I am excited to be leading a small group on Believing God by Beth Moore.  Each week, I'll be sharing my insights on the week's session.  Besides Breaking Free, Beth credits this study as one that changed her life.  I am expecting and anticipating the same for myself.  I can't wait to share the journey with ya'll. 

Won't you sit down, grab a cup of coffee, and Believe God with me?

Monday, August 20, 2012


Ha!  I've gotta start this off with a laugh (mainly to keep from crying in my keyboard), but it's been so long since I've posted I couldn't even figure out how to get to the 'compose' page :)
Now that we've cleared that up-  Hello fellow bloggers!  I've been out of the loop for nearly 9 months now.  I had to cut something out of my hectic life or go crazy and blogging was the one to go.  I must say I'm busier now than before, but I couldn't let this milestone in our lives pass by without marking it in some way...
Tomorrow is a big day in the Morrison house-  sweet Sam starts kindergarten.  Those four words make me proud and nauseated at the same time.  This is a day we prayed would come, but one we also prayed would tarry as long as possible.  However, time is one thing we have no control over and it continues to pass on-so here we are.  Our Sam has progressed beyond expectations with his Cerebral Palsy.  He is walking 100% on his own, no walker, and he's pretty much independent with toileting and eating.  He still needs help getting his pants straight, but don't most guys?  His limited menu is expanding weekly- we're now into grilled cheese sandwiches and Lucky Charms with milk
Over the past few weeks, I've come to realize this moment is one of those moments.  One of those in which you have to forge on ahead, whether you want to or not, trusting God to carry you and your loved one in His hands because you have NO control over the situation.  As a Mama, control of one of your babies is not something you want to let go of, but in order for them to fulfill their God-given destiny-you have to.  It's not easy, but nothing about this journey with our Sam has been.  I know God gave us Sam for a reason.  He gave me the name Samuel and the story in the Bible illustrating Hannah's love for her son is a perfect example for me.  It gives me comfort.  She asked for a son, then pledged him to God.  She followed through on her promise and I desire to do the same.  I am sure our Sam is destined for great things as well.

Sam and Clemson player Sammy Watkins 8/19/2012
When asked how he wanted his hair cut, Sam said, "I want
it to look like Sammy Watkins."